The Committee of The Perth Blues Club (WA) Inc. announces that the Annual General Meeting will take place at The Charles Hotel on Tuesday 15 September 2020, starting at 7.30pm (Doors Open 7.00pm).
Members are urged to attend the meeting to hear the reports from the past financial year and to have the opportunity to ask questions or make suggestions. Current, fully paid up members may also nominate for any of the positions on the committee.
Please bring your membership card for verification.
Please click here to read the 2019 AGM minutes


After the meeting, please enjoy a killer line-up of some of the Club’s regular musicians:
Andrew McIlroy, Alan Dawson and Frank Shinall (from Empire Blues), Bob Patient, Lez Karski and Paul Daly.

ENTRY: $15.00 (General Admission) | $10.00 (Members), FREE for members who attended the AGM