Charles Hotel


Charles Hotel
509 Charles Street

Next Event


14 Nov 2023


19:30 - 22:30

Frank Sultana + Minnie Marks + Grant Haua & the Soul Decree

Frank Sultana | 7.30pm

Frank Sultana is a modern-day Australian Bluesman. Dripping with a pre-WW2 mojo, dark, dirty guitar tones and a voice that has the grit and soul of the characters and places he writes and sings about.

Minnie Marks | 8.30pm

Minnie Marks is not just some blazingly electrified guitar playing freak of nature. She is also a rare and triple threat: Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. You’ve been warned. This absolute powerhouse is ready for any battlefield, be it a festival audience or a bar room packed like a can of sardines.

Grant Haua & the Soul Decree | 9.30pm

I picked up guitar when I was 13, my younger brother had got one for Christmas the year before and I noticed he was already starting to get admiring glances from the girls at our school, I said to myself “dam I need to learn the guitar too”,  unfortunately for me my brother was a better looker and player than me, so it didn’t quite work out as well as I had planned, but I’ve been playing ever since.
I like to think I’ve paid my dues, it’s hard to tell growing up and gigging in a small but beautiful country like Aotearoa New Zealand, being based in a town with a population of barely 100,000 one often wonders about overseas acts to see where you stand, for me its about putting on a show that can stand up alongside them, seeing and feeling the enjoyment of the crowd, that’s the real payoff (and sometimes the only payoff!)
I’ve been the primary singer/songwriter/guitarist on 8 studio albums and 2 live over the years, my first solo album “Knucklehead” released in 2010 got good reviews  resulting in an article on the album, it opened a few doors for me on the local circuit- one thing led to another and I ended up meeting percussionist Michael Barker [Neil Finn, John Butler Trio] and we hit it off straight away and formed “Swamp Thing”, and for the following 8 years we wrote and toured regularly.


ENTRY: $25.00 (General Admission) | $15.00 (Members)
Get your General Admission tickets here